Generally speaking and messaging on the phone is the first generation mobile, while Bluetooth Infrared is the second generation mobile. WhatsApp and Skype and accordingly video calling is 3G and 4G is faster.
5G is now going to be of dreamy internet speed. Until recently, broadband services were generally more prevalent in flat areas. Broadband had natural limitations in rugged or mountainous regions. No matter how much the fiber optics network is supposed to spread, it still has its limitations.
Now with the advent of satellite internet, these limits will fall behind. The way the data collection was mentioned in the previous article suggests that data is now the new oil or that the next war will be fought over data as much as the fact that our fast satellite messaging capabilities and advanced mobile and similar operating systems will change the way the world treats each other.
All we need is to go beyond the surface of the earth.
Scientists and technicians are the originators of the 5G chat we talk about today. India, today, is known globally as a major space power. America and Russia are the grandfathers of this from the sixties. China came and sat among them.
Today, India is matched with these three countries. This is followed by Japan. The commercial space arm of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is tasked with launching satellites of several countries and using them to complete its projects. What is needed is to go beyond this and think of national security.
National interest is usually open and hidden. In the open, any country has rights in her hands and she uses it. Covert nationalism means being wise without speaking, just as shutting mouth in Israel vs Palestinian conflict. Similarly, international affairs are open or hidden.
Being a member of international treaties, resolutions, conferences, international organizations are open international relations.
The work of the military intelligence department is a part of clandestine international affairs. It is never taught anywhere.
Military intelligence agencies often collect such information and pass it on to their superiors, on which wars are fought. If It is not carried out well then what happens is learned by Pakistan in 1971. General Yahya Khan had managed to speak in Punjabi instead of sign language with his troops. The information he gave was immediately coming to India. However, in general, any country has to collect four types of intelligence.
Geographic Intelligence Collection, Measurement Intelligence Collection, Meteorological Intelligence Collection & Technical Intelligence Collection.
The type of geographic intelligence collection is known as Geospatial Intelligence or 'Geoint'. Ground information is collected with the help of photographs of that part of the earth taken from various satellites.
The Surveillance Intelligence is known as Measurement and Signature Intelligence. It is also called Masint. The department collects information on radar systems, nuclear reactors, overall capabilities, chemical and other biological weapons. The manner in which US President Joe Biden reported the corona virus from China's Wuhan Experimental School shows that the department is working. Otherwise, Biden must be showing that something is working on that front.
The Meteorological Intelligence department is a separate department for information on meteorology, rainfall information, ecology, and hydrology. Large investors in energy, forestry, agriculture, telecommunications, air transport, retail, construction, entertainment, etc., get the information they need from the department through the government.
The Department of Technical Intelligence is simply a department that steals information from science and technology. This is also called technical intelligence or Techint. The country's signalling systems are also monitored. It collects information on messaging and electronic devices.
These departments are working to get the most accurate information in the shortest possible time. And it is achieved through the satellites, so they have to be erected. This information is used to connect with any country.
Against this backdrop, 5 technology is a huge challenge. While we are becoming increasingly aware of the security of our personal information, some countries have a system that captures almost every movement.
The next war will be fought in space, perhaps our satellites will be targeted first. So ae the Intercontinental ballistic missiles being developed so that can cover huge distances.
Maybe the phone in your hand is also giving your information to someone. You get an advertisement that informs you about the topic you are talking about. In the next article about what China can do in this area as a whole and what can be sacred to us.